At Pitisuksa we recognize and respect that every child is unique. Our learning approach is tailored to each individual child and their specific needs. Every child in our school manages their own learning goals, interests, and achievements. Children in our school come from a variety of cultural and global backgrounds, which contributes to the rich learning environment. Our mission is to nurture the learning curiosity inherent in all children and to help our students develop into thoughtful, independent, and caring global citizens.
School Identity
School Characteristic
English Program Montessori School
School Philosophy
Lifelong Joy of Learning
School Vision
Pitisuksa nurtures children to be wise and caring global citizens.
OUR Goals
Every child will find joy in the learning process.
Every child is able to use English for academic purposes and for daily communication according to his/her age.
Every child has the skills for seeking knowledge, is able to think and analyze critically, and act creatively.
Our school will provide individualized education for each student.
Our school will have an efficient and creative management system.
All members of our school community will behave, communicate, and work together ethically and peacefully.
Pitisuksa is a learning community, inside and outside the classroom.
OUR School
At Pitisuksa we are dedicated to providing a rich and positive, child-centered learning experience for all children and families. Our philosophy is deeply rooted in the principles and methods established by Dr. Maria Montessori. The Montessori approach aims at guiding students to become skillful in seeking knowledge independently. We emphasize that a well-prepared environment is important for our students development. In addition, the freedom of choice is important not only for learning but also for self esteem and self respect.
As Montessori stated, "The education of a child should not aim at preparing him for school, but for life." The journey to self-confidence, independence, and competence begins as soon as a child enters into our program. Life lessons of respect, cooperation, appreciation for others, problem solving, and responsibility are all practiced at Pitisuksa on a daily basis.
Mr.Teerawat Srinakarin - Honor-qualified - President
Mr.Nuttarote Wangwinyoo - Honor-qualified - Vice President
Mrs.Piyanoot Chatchawarat - School Director - Committee
Mr.Songtam Srinakarin - Committee
Ms.Piangor Pattayakorn - Committee
Ms.Uraiwan Lertwaree - Committee
Ms.Nutthita Sucharee - Committee
Ms.Waranyaa Surat - Committee
Mrs.Phakakrong Pongsak - School Representative Committee and Assistant Secretary
Mr.Teerawat Srinakarin - President
Mr.Nuttarote Wangwinyoo - Committee
Mr.Songtam Srinakarin - Committee
Ms.Piangor Pattayakorn - Committee
Mrs.Piyanoot Chatchawarat - Committee